Voices of Armed Forces Children Choir Performs on BGT

The Voices of Armed Forces Children Choir is composed of 49 tri-service children, ages -18, from Plymouth to Lossiemouth and everywhere in between. Before performing in front of a live audience at the London Palladium for the BGT auditions, the young people had only rehearsed as a full group three weeks in advance!  Many of the children sing in their choir at school or just love to sing on their own. 

On the Saturday ahead of the audition in January, the children were rehearsing at the Guards’ Chapel in London, when, much to their surprise, Simon Cowell walked out and invited them to audition on BGT on Monday. The children were very excited and surprised, several of them having dreamt to perform on BGT. The rest of the weekend, they worked incredibly hard to be stage ready for the audition on Monday.

On the day of the audition, the young people performed Welcome Home to a live audience at the London Palladium and the four BGT judges. From the onset of the song, the audience was clapping and by the end of the performance, the young people were given a standing ovation. They were awarded four ‘YES’ responses from the judges.

They were then invited to perform a new song for the BGT live semi final at the Eventim Apollo. The children took part in a songwriting workshop. Songwriters, Bethzienna Williams, David Tobin and Jeff Meagan wove together all of the children's voices to create Stand Up. The kids performed their hearts out - making their friends, family and the NSI team extremely proud! While they didn’t move onto the finals, they accomplished so much and made memories to last a lifetime!

You can watch their performances here.