International Competition Winners

Drumroll please! We have now announced our international competition winners! We have been overwhelmed by the quality of the work this year – young people around the world shared the most thoughtful pieces on the theme, Life After Conflict. We saw work from over 90 countries, reflecting on conflicts which mattered to them. The work was deeply empathetic, reflecting on how challenging it can be to resume life after a conflict has happened, but that it also can afford new opportunities as well. The judges shared that this was the most difficult year for them to judge, with so many fantastic pieces of work sent in.

Each and every young person should be feeling extremely proud of themselves for being bold and entering their work into the competition and having their voices heard. All participants will be sent their digital Certificate of Commendation next week to the email they provided on their entry.

Teachers, we want to send a special thank you to you for providing the opportunity for your students to participate! You are empowering your students to use their voices – they are the future decision makers and world changers!

You can view the winners booklet here!