Lord Dannatt's Round Britain Challenge: Edinburgh

Nathan at Edinburgh Castle crop.JPG

We were delighted to have two Never Such Innocence entrants take part in a special commemorative event at the Scottish National War Memorial, Edinburgh Castle.  

A specially adapted Tall Ship, STS Lord Nelson, crewed by veterans and cadets, is making its way around the United Kingdom in 40 days. 

The ship is sailing with a crew of 144 cadets alongside wounded, injured and sick veterans with the 145th crew member being a Tommy silhouette kindly donated by the charity There But Not There, around the capitals of the United Kingdom.

Megan Adams and Nathan McGinlay joined members of the crew at the Scottish National War Memorial to mark the centenary.  Megan sang her incredible song Before You Think, and Nathan read his poem 'We Will Remember Them', beautifully.


Video: Ali Gibson, Video Journalist Forces TV / BFBS

We Will Remember Them
by Nathan McGinlay

Every year on the 11th of November,
Everyone takes time to remember;
All the soldiers whose families they left,
Waiting for their inevitable death.
So while we have happy days in the sun,
They lay there, fates sealed by the gun.
It’s hard to believe so much blood was spilled,
And hundreds and hundreds of brave men were killed.
Now we wear a poppy to remember the souls,
Who in the war played important roles.
So now because of all the violence,
Every year we hold a minute’s silence.