Together Winners
During the final year of the centenary, we embarked on a youth-centred UK-German creative arts project with kind support from our partners: the British Embassy in Berlin, Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge, UK-German Connection and the British Council. We invited young people aged 9-16 from across Germany and the United Kingdom to draw on the events of the First World War and create messages of hope and unity.
We wanted those that participated in Together to take pride in their contribution and so every entrant received a personalised Certificate of Commendation.
Over 70 winners from across the UK and Germany were invited to a very special Tea Party at the British Embassy in Berlin where they were presented with their certificates by Ambassador Sir Sebastian Wood and had the opportunity to showcase their work to a distinguished audience. Winners also took part in a joint songwriting workshop with NSI practitioner, Bethzienna.
A selection of entries to Together feature in our beautiful hardback Anthology which may be purchased via the following link:
All of the winning entries for Together may be found below.
School Years 5-6 / Ages 9-11
All is calm, all is bright
by James Lindquist from Westminster Under School, London, United Kingdom
What Can We Change
by Leonie Janett Becher and Sophia Sada from Gesamtschule Berger Feld, Gelsenkirchen, Germany
A bird was flying over the battlefield in the midnight light
She heard the screaming of soldiers at night,
She did not understand this kind of war
She just understand the end is far!
People who kill each other are made by hate
For forgiveness it´s already too late.
Everyone just wants to live a peaceful life
With children, husband or a wife!
The war is obviously kind of strange
Let us talk about what we could change
Is there something we can do
Tell me who I have to speak to.
Let’s Always Remember
by Cecilia Fenton from City of London School For Girls, London, United Kingdom
Condemn the echo’s rumours,
The fragmentation of hearts.
My crippled body lures,
The idea of war parts.
Replaced with hope, unity, peace,
That war like this comes not again.
A field’s red and green flecked fleece,
Desolate remembered pain.
Both sides live together now,
Best friends and next-door neighbours.
The numbers that fought for us, wow!
And the women’s labours.
Remember these souls for years to come,
Even the frostbitten feet that were numb.
On the battlefield
by Alexandra Sliwinska from Gesamtschule Berger Feld, Gelsenkirchen, Germany
Peaceful Land
by Bellefield Primary School from Wiltshire, United Kingdom
Pupils from Bellefield Primary School Performing at Warminster Garrison
In the sea, in the air
And on the land and everywhere
There has been an ugly war
In every country
Will there be more
Can’t we forgive and try to forget
Try to communicate
Don’t need any guns
Because in our dreams
We have a plan
That we all live
On peaceful land
And in our dreams
We can see
We work together
All countries
Can’t we forgive and try to forget
Try to communicate
Don’t need any guns
Because in our dreams
We have a plan
That we all live
On peaceful land.
School Years 7-9 / Ages 11-14
A poem for peace
by Sky Allen from Essex, United Kingdom
by George Sanders from Hampton School, Hampton, United Kingdom
Little poppy given to me,
Help me keep the world safe and free
I’ll wear a poppy as red as can be,
To show that I remember those who fought for me.
May all the world know peace and tranquility,
May all the world live in their land peacefully,
Let us all work and play in serenity
As we stand together in perfect unity.
Letters from the war
by Isaac Preston and Liam Devlin from King David High School, Liverpool, United Kingdom
26 Dezember 1914
61 Belle Vale Road
Berlin, Germany
Liebe Mutter,
Es war der Tag, der Tag von Weihnachten. Ich wachte auf und hörte den-Klang von
Dudelsäcken. Ich war im Dienst und sah einen englischen Soldaten in der Luft
auftauchen. Jeder hatte seine Waffen auf ihn gerichtet, als ich aufhörte zu schreien.
Und dann sagte ich, das ich denke, dass sie Frieden schließen wollen; ich werde da
raugsgehen. Ich ging da raus und sagte “hallo, Ich heisse Isak.” Und dann erwahnte
er ein Fussballspeil. Auch stimmte zu und ging zuruck zum Graben, um meinen
Freunden Davon zu erzahlen. Alle meine Freunde waren einverstanden und als wir
aus den Graben keltterten, waren viele englische Soldaten bereit zu spielen. Wir alle
haben eine tolle Zeit und tauschen bis spat in die Nacht Namen und Fotos aus. Ich
vermisse euch alle so sehr, dass ich euch alle liebe.
Liebe von
29 Dezember 1914
Western Front, Belgium
Liebe Isak,
Ich vermisse dich so sehr und kann es karum
erwarten, dich zu sehen. Das ist so mutig von dir,
allein zu gehen und mit dem Feind ze reden, ich
bin so stolz auf dich, Ich hoffe wirklich, dass du
bald nach Hause kommst, wahrend du den Krieg
gewinnst. Wie war das Fußballspiel? Ich hoffe
wirklich, dass es großartig war und dass du ein
paar Tore geschossen hast. Ich vermisse dich
wirklich und dein Vater auch, es ist so schwer, es
in Worte zu fassen, aber bitte komm bald nach
Frohe Weinachten und frohe weinachten.
Liebe Mutter
by Honor Thompson, Imogen Allen and Kate Le from Altrincham Grammar School, Cheshire, United Kingdom
Friends of the Future
by Alina Bier and Osman Sönmez from Gesamtschule Hattingen, Hattingen, Germany
S5 - Will there come a time to dine,
And Listen to the music?
And drink a glass of wine
All together?
S6 - Will there be more days to come?
On which we’ll get to sing
Not only on Christmas,
But all the other days?
C – Why should I walk in the line?
When I could lose these friends of mine?
Why should I risk my dear life?!
Why should I care to clean my hands?
If I’m bound to soak in blood?
Why should we risk our lives?!
C – Why should I walk in the line?
When I could lose these friends of mine?
Why should I risk my dear life?!
Why should I care to clean my hands?
If I’m bound to soak in blood?
Why should we risk our lives?!
[CONTEXT – Boy Scouts, learning how to be decent and proper and being taught that the boys on the other side are totally different. Coming to the realisation that this is not the case. We are all the same and coming to terms with the lies of the establishment. Wanting to fight for a better and unified future]
Strophe 1- I Have a map in my hand
My compass points the way
North the stranger
And south, my friend
S2 – I am proud of my troupe
But I want to be a child
I want to grow up
Before I die
C – Why should I walk in the line?
When I could lose these friends of mine?
Why should I risk my dear life?!
Why should I care to clean my hands?
If I’m bound to soak in blood?
Why should we risk our lives?!
S3- See the poppy hanging there
Its crimson head
It weeps for our dear young lives,
Linked by a thread
S4 - Will one day someone
Pluck it and think of me?
Will one day you and I
Be brothers and be free?
C – Why should I walk in the line?
When I could lose these friends of mine?
Why should I risk my dear life?!
Why should I care to clean my hands?
If I’m bound to soak in blood?
Why should we risk our lives?!
Enemies become friends
by Pupils of Hugo Junkers Gymnasium, Mönchengladbach, Germany
Let it be peace
by Lena Reerman from Gesamtschule Elsen, Paderborn, Germany
The war was a very long
and hard time,
the soldiers were brave
each one was not worth dying.
this pathetic war,
soldiers fought to protect us.
We hope they live in peace
and quiet in heaven,
without pain and war,
many soldiers have died
and families have suffered.
It was not a real family anymore,
just a family with an invisible father,
but we will never forget our protectors,
they will stay in our memories.
Let’s make art rather than war,
let us live in peace,
let’s make the world colourful
and not black, grey and empty,
let’s bring life into the world.
In Blood Nothing Grows
by the pupils of F.F. Runge Gymnasium, Brandenburg, Germany and Claremont High School Academy, Harrow, United Kingdom
by Lucas Wensel from Gesamtschule Elsen, Paderborn,Germany
Touted a hero, yet forced from his home
Stuck between worlds, with no place to roam
Hopeless and scared, unaware and unsure
Asking “Why are we here, what are we fighting for?”
Nameless superiors, controlling their fate
An Eagle, a Lion. A blindfolded race
Cornflower, Daffodil, Edelweiss, Rose,
Clover, or Thistle, in blood nothing grows
Violence then silence, the ‘bad’ and the 'good'
Hopes, dreams, and memories, left staining the mud
Trenches and fences, barbed wire and blasts
Senseless defences, and scars that will last
No one is pure, all carry their guilt
Let’s tear down the borders that mankind has built
Frieden,Frieden,auf der Welt,
von Land zu Land,zusammen gesellt,
wo niemand etwas Gutes berbricht,
Liebe,Liebe,auf der Welt,
nicht mehr geht es nur um Geld,
Liebe breitet sich aus,
der Hass ist jetzt endlich raus.
Frieden,Frieden,auf der Welt,
so schön lacht die Welt,wie in einer Träumerwelt;
von Staat, zu Staat,dort endet der Hass,
es vergeht eine große Last.
Cornflower, Daffodil, Edelweiss, Rose,
Clover, or Thistle, in blood nothing grows
Krieg bringt nicht Sieg sondern zerstört nur Leben
Danach sollte kein Mensch mit Herz streben
With Einigkeit, Recht und Freiheit should our lands
Strive for brotherly love and a joining of hands
Let us keep the peace, to keep us all safe
Stand up for each other, let’s dare to be brave
Cornflower, Daffodil, Edelweiss, Rose,
Clover, or Thistle, in blood nothing grows
Cornflower, Daffodil, Edelweiss, Rose,
Clover, or Thistle, in blood nothing grows
Diebe,Diebe,auf der Welt,
sind im Knaste zusammen gesellt,
das Böse sieht das Ende,
nun ist es eine Legende.
School Years 10-11 / Ages 14-16
Spirits of Soldiers
by Elmond Marian Halfmann from Gesamtschule Berger Feld, Gelsenkirchen Germany
“Spirits of Soldiers is an origami crane art project what about the inmates of the crashed aircraft of the Royal Air Force as well as to remind you of the suffering that World War I brought over our world.
The cranes represent the spirits of the fallen soldiers of all nations involved in the First World War and representative of every human being today must suffer from war and destruction in the 21st century.”
Elmond Halfman, Together Winner
Nicht mehr da
by Emily Ernst and Samantha Trabitz from Gesamtschule Hattingen, Hattingen, Germany
Bist am 19. August losgezogen
Bist drei Monate nun schon weg
Deine Nächte von Tränen durchzogen
Deine Frau? Ratlos, am Boden
Missing you, thinking 'bout you
they are asking everyday and every night
Where is daddy? When will I see him again?
For months now, I don't have any answer
Bin an Weihnachten nun doch nicht bei euch
sitting under this improvised christmas tree
Denke jedoch nur an zu Haus
it's not the same without you
In Gedanken bei dir spazieren wir
Die Kinder das erste Mal sorglos
Sie schreien auf, ich frage mich, warum
Da seh ich dich, direkt vor uns
Wir rennen los, Augen zu
auf dich los, ein lauter Knall
ein leiser Schrei, jetzt liegst du leblos da
Our thoughts forever by your soul
our hearts will never stop loving you
there will never be anyone else like you
Daddy? We love you
Carpe Diem
by Lia Taylor from St Joseph's College, Ipswich, United Kingdom
Lasting Legacies
by Scott, Harvey, Joshua, Jack, Kathryn, Emily, Shannon, Chloe, Caitie and Caitlyn from St Vincent's School for Sensory Impairment, Liverpool, United Kingdom
In these times of peace
With all the triggers calm,
Since the fire has ceased
And the sky’s seen our palms
They speak to us.
In the dead of night
And the hope of day,
Do we hear their plight?
Or ignore what they say?
But still, they speak to us.
We cannot neglect,
And we cannot shy away.
We cannot forget,
Lest we hear the bugles play.
Because still, they speak to us.
There are lessons to learn
On the torture of hate,
There is more love to earn,
And fear to eradicate.
And so, they speak to us.
We can’t stop here,
We can’t give up hope,
We must shape a new world,
One in which we can cope.
This was the beginning
Of a new life for us.
Can you hear them?
Can you hear what they say?
We must pass on their stories,
Let everyone know it,
We must live by their glories,
By the songs of dead poets.
You can hear them. Now,
Heed what they say:
Carpe diem.
Seize the day.
Life in Colour
by Anna Dougan, Bethan Pennie, Leo Shak and Sarah Dyson from Larbert High School, Stirlingshire, United Kingdom
We’ve been living in black and white
Shielded from the sunlight
Through all those long and lonely nights
Think we’ve forgotten how to smile
So open up your windows and open up your doors
Coz something is coming; I can feel it in my soul
We can shout it from the rooftops, sing it from the clouds
Just know we’re going up, we ain’t ever coming down
Coz we’re living life in colour
And the world feels so much clearer now
I’ll be a friend like no other
And if you need a hand I’ll help you out
Coz life is worth living and love is worth giving
So open up your eyes
Coz life is worth living and love is worth giving
So open up your eyes tonight
I never said it was easy
But it’s all right you can take your time
I don’t understand it completely
Just know that someone’s always on your side
So open up your heart and you’ll open up your soul
You’ll see that life’s worth, well it isn’t weighed in gold
We can shout it from the rooftops, sing it from the trees
You know that life would mean nothing if it was always a breeze
So try living life in colour
The world feels so much clearer now
I’ll be a friend like no other
And if you need a hand I’ll help you out
Coz life is worth living and love is worth giving
So open up your eyes
Life is worth living and love is worth giving
So open up your eyes
Bethan Pennie composed the Music for the song
Open up your windows and open up your doors
Coz something is coming; I can feel it in my soul
Open up your windows and open up your doors
Coz something is coming; I can feel it in my soul
Open up your windows and open up your doors
(Life is worth living and love is worth giving)
Coz something is coming; I can feel it in my soul
(So open up your eyes)
Open up your windows and open up your doors
(Life is worth living and love is worth giving)
Coz something is coming
(So open up your eyes)
So try living life in colour
And the world feels so much clearer now
I’ll be a friend like no other
And if you need a hand I’ll help you out
Coz life is worth living and love is worth giving
So open up your eyes
Life is worth living and love is worth giving
So open up your eyes
Don’t you Cry / Weine nicht kleines Kind
by Olivia Goede and Samuel Kurth from Cologne, Germany